Streto is one of the most powerful e-commerce on the market, giving you the possibility to always grow according to your needs, being able to apply third-party tools, and in this way offer the best options to your customers.
You can integrate different payment methods so that buyers have different options when paying.
Our platform is prepared to integrate and pay with digital wallets, increasing your sales.
Customize, modify and create carts with full read and write access, allowing you to access detailed cart data, to incentivize marketing and make better business decisions.
Developers can customize the experience from the payment API. In this way customers can process payments in different ways.
Automate the synchronization of catalogs, maintaining inventory, in a fast way and without giving performance problems to the store. From the API you can create products with all their variants and categories.
Connect the store to its own or third-party shipping service, quoting in the cart in real time. With the API you can create in-store delivery options for one or multiple locations and display shipping rates in real time.
From the API you can fully customize the wish list experience and have data and reports from them to carry out more specific marketing campaigns
You can create applications based on attributes of different customers for a better shopping experience.